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There are lots of ways you can make a difference. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram and share our posts, or subscribe to our email list below to find out about upcoming actions.

A gathering of protestors at a SWOP rally

Take action

Join us to protest or take action against Israel’s war on the Palestinian people, and the ongoing complicity of the Australian government.

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Sign up to find out details of upcoming organising meetings, as well as other ways you can get involved to build support for actions and campaigns.

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Protestors at a rally hold up a banner which reads "Long live Palestine"

Give time, $ or skills

If you live outside Sydney or are short on time, there are other ways to help. Financial donations help us cover the costs of printing and organising events.

A Palestinian flag waving in front of city buildings

Sign a petition

Add your voice to the growing number of Australians calling for an end to the crisis in Gaza, for justice and the right to self-determination and freedom for all Palestinians.

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